
Christmas Winds (Janice Nagle, Carrribean Compass, no. 231, December 14, 2014)

To the tune „Mercedes Benz“ by Janis Joplin.

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a big jug of rum?
The weather’s been crazy, it’s time for some fun!
The winds of Sait Nicholas quite early have come.
I’ve got the juice, Lord – hurryup with that rum!

Oh Lord, can you help us with these great big seas?
Doyle says „an easy reach“, but it ain’t been for me!
The windward side’s crazy, but so is the lee.
Oh Lord, can you flatten these awful rough seas?

Oh Lord, can you give us a little less wind?
Some friends, they have cats now; I’ve forgiven the sin.
Our rail’s in the water, it’s gone for a swim.
Head up or fall off, the sails need a trim.

Oh lord, how I need you, please get it in gear!
Off to the Virgins I’m trying to steer.
The big party season is really too near.
Along with that rum, lord, could you also bring beer?

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