UPDATE: Blue Felix is NO LONGER for sale!

UPDATE: Blue Felix is sold now. We wish the new owner fair winds, calm seas and as much fun as we had.

We would like to thank all of you for your interest in Blue Felix and wish you good luck in finding your dream vessel soon!

We lived aboard Blue Felix for roughly four years, sailed with him over 7000 nm, visited 16 countries, 26 islands, met uncountable nice people, met very little not so nice people, passed small and big adventures, experienced the „yachtie-lifestyle“ extensively, and finally got one new crew member – our daughter Lea. Our expectations were more than fulfilled, our focus changed, and so it is time to settle down and start the new adventure „family“.

The detailed exposé can be downloaded here.

A video of Blue Felix sailing can be downloaded here.

8 Gedanken zu „UPDATE: Blue Felix is NO LONGER for sale!

  1. All things end sadly. I wish you good luck for a quick sale,and in your future endeavors. I am leaving Virginia in 2 months,and I thought we would cross paths in the spring. This will probably not happen sadly again lots of luck and enjoy the next years raising your daughter. When I got my two kids I was just learning how to be single. I thought my sailing was at an end. As you know I sailed for 40 years after I got them . Now thinking back,the years they were with me were the happiest years of my life. We had many adventures together and got closer the most parents get. Have great life. And send me a picture of your beautiful daughter as I haven’t seen her as yet. Anyway keep in touch,and if you need an island fix there is always room on slowdance. Bob

    • Hi Bob,
      thanks for the note. You find a lot of pictures of Lea right here on the blog. However, would be really nice to meet you again and have a picture of you together with her. Take care and cheers, Sven

  2. Hä? Where are you Sven? I am just now sitting with the former „Dow Corning – RGS“ people (Don and Chris) at a workshop and we are wondering where you will settle down? Konstanz Paradies? 🙂
    Traveling 7µm is not much…. on a Cz-Si cell surface that would mean traveling from one Si-Pyramid to another.
    Best wishes from Tempe,

    • Hi Rado,
      greetings to Don and Chris, hope you have a great time together.
      On a nautical scale our trip was far enough!
      Hope to see you guys again in some time for a beer.
      Cheers, Sven

  3. Hi krasser Sven,
    Jiep!! A couple of beer would be excellent.
    By the way: Axel is still rocking RGS!! Onother application but the monster machine is alive:
    Just one hour ago we have heard a presentation from 1366 – still working on direct wafers.
    You probably do not f… care but I just wanted to update you…. hahaha….
    So basically nothing changed in 4 years.

    • Hi korrekter Rado,
      thanks, I do know. I am still in contact with Axel and the RGS guys as well as with others of the crystalline Si community. Of course I do still care! As you know I spent decades on this topic… Hope that there are still interesting topics (and people), when I’m back. Cheers, Sven

  4. Hallo, ich bin in Ihrem Catalac interessiert und würde gerne wissen, ob ich Ihr Kontakt haben könnten Details per E-Mail ist ianseadog@aol.com ich Google übersetzen diese zu geben, so könnte es sehr falsch klingen!

    freundlichen Grüßen Ian

  5. Vielen Dank noch mal, dass ihr eurer Segelabenteuer mit „der Welt da draussen“ geteilt habt und für Deine Tips via email, Sabine. Ich wünsche eurer kleinen Familie alles Gute für die gemeinsame Zukunft und für den kommenden Lebensabschnitt! Nadja

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